Marcomm Chalkboard
by Anne Kostecki

I was thrilled when two team members from the Marketing and Communications Office approached me and asked if I would be interested in designing and executing a chalkboard illustrating the duties of the office. The board measures about 36 inches by 60 inches, and it needed to include the major duties of the office, which includes subdivisions such as the Office of University Communications, Creative Services, Web Communications, and Strategic Marketing. I measured the board, and sketched out on paper where each word would be.
I wanted the chalkboard to have a variety of different type styles, so I researched various serif, sans serif, script, and other types of typefaces for each word. I filled in the voids between words with tiny illustrations that were relevant to each field. And, for the social media icons, I created bubbles filled with each platform's logo. The final piece was bolted to the entrance wall in the Marketing and Communications Office, to greet every visitor with all of the Office's capabilities and duties to the university.