Allez Le Food Branding & Web Banner
by Anne Kostecki

When Emily approached me about branding her blog, Allez Le Food, I was delighted to think about the project because she writes about some of my favorite topics: cooking, restaurants, culture, and art, mostly of French origin. She wanted a new, fresh blog header to show her French pride. We talked about various ways to design the blog header, but one of the most important things to consider was adaptability: the header would be a jumping-off point for future branding materials, and so it needed to be adaptable to multiple print and digital applications.
I decided to paint a French flag with groupings of blue, white, and red foods. I looked for foods featured heavily in French cooking: like cheeses, baguette, shallots, lamb, various berries and vegetables. My client was thrilled with the final piece, and I used the painting as a backer for her business card.