How To Make More Time For Art
by Anne Kostecki

So how can you make more time for practicing your art?
Here are some of my tips:
1. Replace your screen time with sketch time.
This is my number one suggestion to everyone who asks me how to make time for art. Have you ever looked at your weekly screen time report? Have you ever gasped? I have! We could all probably use less screen time. Keep a small phone-sized sketchbook in your pocket. When you’re bored, in line, or killing time, sketch a quick drawing in your book instead of reaching for your phone!
2. Keep a sketchbook on your nightstand.
Do a quick drawing before you go to bed. It’s like journaling, but easier! Draw whatever you want. It's your sketchbook.
3. Bargain with yourself.
Every time you watch a YouTube video, make yourself watch a quick art tutorial first. Write notes for future use. If you read an article, then go read an art tutorial too. Every time you have a distraction, also buttress it with some art education.
4. Socialize!
Draw or paint with your friends. Do the painting/wine thing if that’s what you like. If you have a weekly or monthly hangout, then bring a sketchbook with you. People may be more interested, and you'll have a new social activity.
5. Incorporate sketching into a daily walk or other outdoor activity.
This may be challenging if you do vigorous exercise. But if you can, I suggest going outside and drawing what you see. You will have endless inspiration in front of you. It's great if you bring kids to a playground or a dog to a dog park. Bring a sketchbook and draw!
6. Block off time.
Write it in your schedule and stick to it. Put it in your iCal, Google Calendar, whatever kind of calendar you use. Put a reminder on your phone daily or weekly. Some people need the blocked time to tell them it's time to create.
7. Draw while you’re on the phone, paying bills, or doing other chores.
Do you have an unpleasantly long phone call to make? Easy, you can sketch while you're on hold. Are you waiting at the hair salon, at the doctor's office, or at the DMV? Bring a sketchbook. There are lots of times where we pull out our phones while we wait. Replace the phone time with sketch time.
8. Make it easy on yourself.
Set up all of your work materials, keep them handy, and sneak in some artwork before someone interrupts you. It's ok if things look a bit messy (or a lot messy). This is your space, and you can make time for yourself. I find that making things easy on yourself, or in other words, having all of your materials ready to go. You wouldn't believe how easy of a mental block it can be to want to create something, but're too lazy to set everything up. Make it easy on yourself!
9. Harness the power of art challenges on Instagram.
Do a monthly challenge and create every day. Or, if you can't do that, there are a lot of challenges that are weekly, or even monthly. Making a new thing every single day can be intimidating. I suggest doing one of the weekly challenges, and see what you come up with. You might surprise yourself.
10. Bring art into your comfort watching.
Sometimes, we just need to comfort watch. If it's bingeing a terrible show, or rewatching a favorite show, we aren't really paying full attention, we are just in our comfort zones. This is the perfect time to create! We are already feeling comfy and cozy, so draw what's going on in the show. Or draw the vase in the corner. Or just doodle!
I hope these tips are helpful. Do you have any tips for making time for art? Let me know in the comments!
1 comment
Bravo! You’ve addressed may problem-being interrupted all day long!